PID Floors is proud to announce a business partnership with
Sustainable Harvest International (SHI)

Together we will work to educate farmers in Central America,
According to SHI, more than half of the world’s tropical forests are already gone and we are losing the other half at the rate of one acre every second. As a result, more than half the species of plants and animals in the world are disappearing, along with carbon stores, which stabilize the climate. Harmful farming techniques, such as slash-and-burn agriculture, are unsustainable and contribute to deforestation. This is a significant problem within our environment because deforestation is one of the main contributors to climate change. It is estimated that 30-40% of deforestation is the result of small scale farmers. Therefore, SHI was founded in 1997 as a non-profit to provide training and tools to rural farmers, enabling them to overcome poverty and protect precious tropical forests simultaneously. Famers in Central America are trained by SHI to practice regenerative agricultural which nurtures biodiversity and reverses climate change.
To learn more about SHI, visit their website!
PID Floors’ partnership has helped the SHI’s Honduras team plant 2,000 trees
Honduras 2021
This was part of a reforestation campaign with partnering families from the community of Santa Elena, which has been heavily deforested, in large part due to a recent and disastrous bark beetle infestation. Working primarily with SHI-Honduras field trainer Ileana Figueroa, partnering families in Santa Elena will be working to reforest the area around the community's water source, helping purify and stabilize this vital resource, while transitioning to sustainable farming practices that restore the land.